Phnom Penh To Kampong Thom

As mentioned earlier the road from Phnom Penh is in good shape. The cheapest bus tickets are offered by Kim Seng Express at 500 whereas the...

Cambodia Kampong Thom

If you are looking to. Kampong Thom Province รหสไปรษณยประเทศกมพชา ProvinceDistrictNamePostcode Kampong Thom ProvinceBaray DistrictBak Sna C...

Commune In Kampong Thom Province

Located in Prasat Village Prasat Commune Santuk District Kampong Thom Province Wat Prasat Temple was built of brick masonry and sandstone i...

Battambang Or Kampong Thom

Battambang 1 Kampong Cham 16 Kampong Chhnang 2 Kampong Speu 4 Kampong Thom 0 Kampot 7 Kandal 24 Kep 1 Koh Kong 2 Kratie 0 Mondulkiri 0 Odda...

Baray Kampong Thom

6 Group 3 Prey Tatrav Village Ballangk Commune Baray District Kampong Thom Province Cambodia. Him Lim male 42 years old residing in Leav Vi...

Kampong Thom Water Park

AquaResidence is a service apartment that provides short term and long t. Kampong Thom Playground Garden In Kampong Thom Cambodia Top Rat...